Saturday, September 12, 2009

cremaster psycho

back-of-closet find: some of the cast-members from the puppetshow remake of the 3rd film of matthew barney's five-part gesamtkunstwerk, the cremaster cycle performed last year with friend and artistic collaborator chrissy "macho" musacchio:


The Entered Apprentice

1st Degree : Order of the Rainbow for Girls

3rd Degree: Aimee Mullins

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

sugar sugar

one thing that my friend alec sutherland and i have in common is that we both like to work with sugar.

here's alec's brilliant sugar cube:

this amazing sculpture is made of hundreds of cubes of plain white sugar. there are two eyeholes through which to view this piece (normally the latch is shut). the effect is an almost fish-eye scene of a small sugarcity.

it's tricky to photograph but here's the idea:

it's like the parthenon in a box, really.

my work is more conventional - cakes, pies, cookies, etc. if you can eat it, i will bake it.

this is for our friends kim & scotty's wedding:

chocolate tiramisu torte for melanie's birthday:

almond shortbread cookies for halloween:

rhubarb sour-cream coffee cake for me:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

i hope that when i die, it doesn't look like this

According to the New Scientist, German researchers have proven that if people are lost, like really lost, in the middle of a desert for example, with neither sun nor landmarks as reference points, they will naturally walk in circles. Even if there’s a little voice (or a little German researcher) inside their head instructing them to do their best to walk in a straight line.

It’s kind of a nice idea that we come with a built-in mechanism that makes us go back to where we came from.