Wednesday, January 27, 2010

a week of caged animals.

muzzle at deutsches historisches museum
birdcage at sloerm cafegiraffes at the knie kinderzoo
bizarre aquarium/elevator/bar in the radisson hotel lobby

plenty of fish in the aquarium to reflect on.
at oberseestr. 135, jona

Monday, January 18, 2010

der königlichen spürhund aka the regal beagle

my siblings and i learned everything we know about the english language from cartoons and sitcoms. three's company was a particular favorite. below is a babelfished script excerpt - probably fairly close to what it sounded like to me as a 9 year-old.

ascent and gloss" is the new "rise and shine".

Janet: Young one, this it, this does, really does it!
Chrissy: I would have never believed this from Jack!
Janet: Oh Chrissy, why not? It' s over time, which you, Jack realised, is not holy! He' s received the same desires as each normal man.
Chrissy: What' s, which assumed, in order to mean?
Janet: He' s an animal.
Chrissy: He, wait you one minute, Janet. Aren' t we over-reacting?
Janet: They mean that this is good with you?
Chrissy: Of course not! I mean that the last thing, which we need is another girl…
Janet: Quite!
Chrissy: But still….
Janet: Still which?
Chrissy: . .he lives here.
Janet: Well in such a way we do.
Chrissy: And it pays a third of the rent. And that is ITS bedroom.
Janet: Yeah yeah.
Chrissy: And Janet, I don' t more than you do in such a way, but it is Jack' S-life and we' No right received VE to obstruct.
Janet: You' , I accept Rerecht.
Chrissy: And you remember, what happens between two advising adults in private lives of their own head…
Janet: Chrissy….that' S-Zustimmungerwachsene.
Chrissy: [Roles their eyes] I know, but first they must confer or otherwise them wouldn' t know, what they agreed too!
Janet: [Laugh] you came me really there.
Chrissy: So which you do, set to say we the whole thing from our understanding and you clear up this confusion.
Janet: , We knew Oh in addition. [Janet begins to clear up]
Chrissy: Who it he' think; s received inside there with it?
Janet: I don' t know and I don' T-care… does you been supposed it' s everyone, which we know? Sylvia!
Chrissy: Who' s Sylvia?
Janet: Sylvia! The Blondine! The Blondine with the sport car!
Chrissy: I saw its last week. It drove around with its top side down.
Janet: [Keuchen] well I bet that she was!
Chrissy: Case on, waits one minute! It was its party, why we are clearing up confusion?
Janet: Oh you' Rerecht. I' VE had enough.
Chrissy: And I' VE had enough.
Janet: And I think Jack' s had enough, let' s go. [both go into its bedroom]
Janet: Well loverboy, ascent and gloss!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

holy union.

marzipan and poppy seeds. together at last.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

shining amour and less reflective loves

taken at the german history museum (in berlin).
give yourself 5 hours if you visit.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010