i have been seduced by an online computer game called COLORFUL JUICES. in the game, i play the role of a telepathic, juice-lady who pours slushes for dark-haired children-of-the-corn. i have a sort of nursy/chefy sex-appeal and i wear TEVAs. if TETRIS preps you to bag groceries after school, COLORFUL JUICES full-out trains you to work in the paint department at HOME DEPOT. once you've poured the bevvies for the kiddies, they sit down and adjudicate your work. what makes this game so mysterious is that conventional color theory is not really applied - i can't quite understand the pigment-mixing logic (yet i try and try again). red and blue do regularly make purple but if you mess with the ratio, sometimes you get odd shades of yellow. and sometimes the kids order unusual thirst-quenchers like goats-blood, morning pee and nuclear smoothies.
you can play it here: http://www7.jeux.com/jeux/jeux.php?VIDJeux=4667

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