Wednesday, March 31, 2010

stop your promises (addendum)

ok, so, jude just sent me an email in regards to late night advice: part two.
here's what she said:

"...just to clarify though, legitimate expectations only arise where there's an issue of procedural fairness in administrative law - that is, when you are appealing a decision made by an administrative body. So it's not grounds for suing people in civil court. Estoppel fits nicely with what you're saying, especially promissory estoppel. If someone makes a representation or promise to you (in the absence of a contract) and you act in reliance of it, they cannot then turn it around on you - you had legitimate expectations. Get it?"

totally get it.
totally love it.
those two words look so pretty next to each other.

hey elisabeth, make a new sign:
promissory estoppel


  1. hmm thanks for that and very interesting ...
    but did you know that the women in these color print outs are
    Liz Mcdonald and Gail Platt from Corontation Street?
    also please note
    you have made a promissory estoppel to me that we are gonna be happy, rich, a little bit famous and hugely beautiful forever -
    get your lawyers ready.

  2. sable, four things:

    1. i am not "turning anything around on you" - so to speak (hope you understand my abstruse legalese)/ all of these things are in the works.

    2. have you ever heard of this neato thing called the COUNTERSUIT?

    3. my "lawyers" are jude. you can take it up directly with her.

    4. yey coronation street. i had a feeling that's where they were from - maybe one day i'll watch this show that you're so obsessed with. the one in the middle looks like kermit the frog a bit. if kermit was female and human.
